Thursday, December 4, 2014

Barrio Latino - Nadie Te Da Na

Barrio Latino, Hungary's first ever Timba band, or 'orquesta' was formed in 2008 by a group of Jazz musicians. They're the most awesome example of the saying, that being good at what you do is the best kind publicity.

Barrio Latino apparently has been inactive for years but somehow their music got to the ear of some hot shot producer - who the Internet tells me is NOT a producer but a Grammy Award winning sound engineer - Michael Lazarus, who is also the owner of the music label, Latin Pulse Music. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet Michael Lazarus and Barrio Latino's founding member Tamas Bodzsar, collaborated for the release of Barrio Latino's debut under Michael's lable, Latin Pulse Music.

Have a listen to one of their songs, by clicking on the YouTube link below:-

Barrio Latino - Nadie Te Da Na

These guys are classic Timba, with strong pianos and trumpets and a rich, soulful voiced sonero. But, they may not appeal to a safer crowd as Timba tends to get on the soul & jazz train and shoot off into the sunset. Dancers who are groove oriented and who heavily style (girls or guys mind you!) would probably like songs such as this, as it gives them plenty of opportunity to do what they love best!

I know what you're thinking - why do I keep introducing groovy music? Is it true local dancers don't take too well to songs like this? Will we ever reach the level of social musicality to appreciate Timba, Boogaloo and other awesome Salsa songs? Time will tell, and meanwhile, I'll keep on playing, researching and sharing love.

What do you think? Would you dance to Timba on the dance floor? Is one Timba a night too many for you? Lemme know!

Disclaimer: The views published in the above article are the author's and the author's alone. If readers are not agreeable with the above views, well, you can bugger-off. All rights are reserved for the the articles itself. I obviously don't own the songs and I don't own YouTube, you dumb-ass. This article may only be reproduced with permission from the author. In the event of reproduction for general mayhem, permission is not required - only video proof. Any other forms of reproduction should be prevented with protection. Jesus protects but use condoms please. Any unauthorized usage of the article contained therein is expressly prohibited and violators will be prostituted with broom-handle sodomy and force-feeding of garlic-sausage buns. Thank you for reading this disclaimer.

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